Feb 28, 2022Liked by Rob (c137)

Relatively few women are left-handed. Thus, a majority are left-brained. Since they aren't into alphabet thinking, hormones must play a greater role than brain hemisphere dominance.

As a left-handed male, I'm less empathetic than most women. I rest my case.

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Very interesting lecture. Don't agree with everything he says and the timelines, especially those of the religions but I guess you can't upset everyone and expect them to remember the message.

Also what does it mean for Pharma (seemingly very masculine and definitely a war industry)

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Ok. This is a very interesting lecture with some good points. However, there are many errors, but the one i cannot let pass, is about Athens and Sparta. Why was there an actual war over Helen of Troy? I submit, it was because, She was Spartan. She did have some freedoms, but was herself owned by the fascist state, and must breed with who the state decrees and no other. A bureaucracy owned her. Not even a human man, who could have human attachments and concern for her happiness. In Athens women had their own private faiths, one of the most popular was Dionysus....17 priestesses of such did have freedom, and all women worshipers of such, left their homes during the revels for days...traveling together. Most women had their own home businesses, weaving or making clothes. A household was her business. Often women had rooftop shrines to Adonis. Intimate shrines for rituals for Dionysus as seen in Pompey. Woman sphere of influence, of power is in their powerful nesting instinct, their home, where else should it be? A man seeks his power and recognition outside this arena. Where else should it be? together they are a powerful team, that can defeat adversity. Apart...they will be at odds with life.

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Thought... It will eventually CULL US ALL.

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I'm going to watch this later today... Ever read a book called "The First Sex"? Came out in early 70's... About history waaaaay back, much further than we're led to believe. Goddess and matriarchy and so forth, which I'd read about before, but I've not heard or read before just how far back we're talking... I'm still reading it, just got it a few days ago. Pretty interesting! Anyway, I'll listen to this later on or tonight and then comment again... Thanks, Rob.

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